The Difficult Comparison
How to compare Apples to Oranges
However, if the quote request went something like this “Please provide a quote for a single cavity mold to produce the attached part” with only 3D data provided. Your job of comparing the provided quotes just became much more complex and further investigation is required.
With our shops from the previous article:
- Shop A replied to your e-mail request with $30,800.00. Delivery 8 Weeks
- Shop B replied with a tooling proposal with a cost of $31,700.00. Delivery 7 Weeks
- Shop C also replied with a tooling proposal with a cost of $36,500.00. Delivery 9 Weeks
This is a situation where your quote review gets more difficult and the tooling proposals need to be digested further. By creating a quick table of the differences in the tooling proposals one can more easily compare the tool being built.
Shop A Shop B Shop C
Type Unknown Conventional Conventional
Size Unknown 8×8 B Series #1 steel 10×12 B Series #2 steel
Steel Unknown P-20 H-13 & S-7
Gating Unknown Edge Hot Sprue to Cold to Sub Gate
Ejection Unknown Pin (toe-nailed) Stripper
Standard Unknown Flush Knockouts Guided, Spring Load w KO’s
General Unknown Taper Locks Top Locks, Cycle Counter
As the comparison above shows, Shop C is building a much more robust tool, although, charging more money and time for it. Unfortunately, the decision on which way to go is back on your hands, and what can be sold to the person who signs the checks.
To avoid having to make the Difficult Comparison, the use of a request for quote document will get the shops you are asking to provide quotes started on the same foot. If you don’t have one feel free to download a generic RFQ form.
If you missed Part 1 or Part 2 these are on the M&M Tool and Mold LinkedIn Page.